Signs a Student is Lying

Deception is a common tool students use when trying to avoid discipline or some other uncomfortable situation with a teacher. However, there are some tips and indicators that you can be aware of to help you to determine if a student is lying to you. This post will share some ways to determine if a student may be lying. The tips are as follows

  • Determine what is normal
  • Examine how the play with their clothing
  • Watch personal space
  • Tone of voice
  • Movement

Determine What is Normal

People are all individuals and thus unique. Therefore, determining deception first requires determining what is normal for the student. This involves some observation and getting to know the student. These are natural parts of teaching.

However, if you are in an administrative position and may not know the student that well it will be much harder to determine what is normal for the student sot that it can be compared to their behavior if you believe they are lying. One solution for this challenge is to first engage in small talk with the student so you can establish what appears to be natural behavior for the student.

Clothing Signs

One common  sign that someone is lying is that they begin to play with their clothing. This can include tugging on clothes, closing buttons, pulling down on sleeves, and or rubbing a spot. This all depends on what is considered normal for the individual.

Personal Space

When people pull away when talking it is often a sign of dishonesty. This can be done through such actions as shifting one’s chair, or leaning back. Other individuals will fold their arms across their chest. All these behaviors are subconscious was of trying to protect one’s self.


The voice provides several clues of deception. Often the rate or speed of the speaking slows down. Deceptive answers are often much longer and detailed than honest ones. Liars often show hesitations and pauses that are out of the ordinary for them.

A change in pitch is perhaps the strongest sigh of lying. Students will often speak with a much higher pitch one lying. This is perhaps do to the nervousness they are experiencing.


Liars have a habit of covering their mouth when speaking. Gestures also become more mute and closer to the bottom when a student is lying. Another common cue is gestures with the palms up rather than down when speaking. Additional signs include nervous tapping with the feet.


People lie for many reasons. Due to this, it is important that a teacher is able to determine the honesty of a student when necessary. The tips in this post provide some basic ways of potentially identifying who is being truthful.

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